
博主:admin admin 2024-07-02 12:25:20 173 0条评论


7月21日晚,国内首档聚焦30+女性励志音乐竞演真人秀《乘风2023》的“乘风之夜”在芒果TV盛大举行。 历经五轮公演、38个舞台作品、111天的考验,33位乘风女神最终迎来命运之战,角逐11个年度乘风席位。

当晚,星光熠熠,气氛热烈。 黄晓明担任乘风见证人,齐思钧担任舞台公演主持人,赵兆担任音乐总监,经伟担任舞台总监,霍汶希担任金牌经纪人,乔许·坎比担任国际音乐制作人,共同见证这一荣耀时刻。

在最后一轮的“三大联创队团秀赛”中, 三支队伍全力以赴,带来了精彩纷呈的舞台表演。Amber刘逸云队演唱的《给女孩》,用歌声传递着女性的自信和力量;谢娜队演唱的《Why oh why》,活力四射,动感十足;Ella陈嘉桦队带来的国风舞台《绝世舞姬》,将东方女性之美展现得淋漓尽致。

经过激烈角逐,最终,Ella陈嘉桦、Amber刘逸云、美依礼芽MARiA、谢娜、朱珠、Chipu芝芙、刘惜君、A-Lin黄丽玲、卢靖姗、龚琳娜、贾静雯11位乘风女神脱颖而出,成功斩获年度乘风席位。 其中,谢娜荣获“年度乘风创始人”称号,Ella陈嘉桦则摘得“年度乘风总冠军”桂冠。

《乘风2023》不仅是一档音乐竞演节目,更是一场乘风破浪的精神之旅。 在这里,33位乘风女神突破自我、挑战极限,展现了30+女性的独立、自信、勇敢和力量。她们用歌声和舞台表现,传递着乘风不息、永不言弃的精神,激励着无数观众。

“乘风之夜”的成功举办,为《乘风2023》画上了一个圆满的句号。 但乘风精神永不止步,相信乘风女神们会带着这份乘风精神,继续乘风破浪,勇往直前,在各自的人生舞台上闪耀光芒!


  • 11位年度乘风席位获得者的个人故事和舞台表现
  • 节目中印象深刻的舞台作品和金句
  • 节目对30+女性的现实意义
  • 观众对节目和乘风女神的评价


A Wave of "Kete Valuation" Sweeps Through the Market: 50 Stocks Poised for Strong Growth

Shanghai, China - June 17, 2024 - A recent surge in investor sentiment towards growth stocks, particularly in the healthcare and technology sectors, has been dubbed the "Kete Valuation" phenomenon, named after the Chinese pharmaceutical company C-Bridge (6160.HK). This trend is reminiscent of the "CATL Valuation" rally that occurred in 2021, driven by the strong performance of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (300015.SZ).

The "Kete Valuation" is characterized by a sharp increase in the share prices of companies with promising growth prospects, often defying broader market trends. This is evident in the recent performance of 50 stocks identified by analysts as having significant growth potential. These stocks, spanning various industries including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, have exhibited remarkable resilience amidst recent market volatility.

Factors Driving the "Kete Valuation"

Several factors are contributing to the "Kete Valuation" trend. Firstly, investors are increasingly seeking out companies that can deliver sustainable growth, particularly in the face of global economic uncertainties. Secondly, the easing of monetary policy in major economies is providing a supportive backdrop for riskier assets like growth stocks. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovation are creating new opportunities for companies in various sectors, fueling investor optimism.

Key Beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation"

Among the 50 stocks identified as potential beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation," C-Bridge (6160.HK) stands out as a frontrunner. The company's innovative cancer therapies and strong pipeline of new drugs have attracted significant investor interest. Other notable stocks include:

  • Ascletis Pharma (1672.HK): A clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for cancer and viral diseases.

  • Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015.SZ): A leading provider of comprehensive eye care services in China.

  • Xiaomi Corporation (1810.HK): A global technology company known for its smartphones, smart home devices, and internet services.

Investment Implications

The "Kete Valuation" presents an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the growth potential of select companies. However, careful due diligence is crucial, as not all growth stocks are created equal. Investors should thoroughly evaluate a company's financial health, competitive landscape, and long-term growth prospects before making investment decisions.

The "Kete Valuation" highlights the evolving dynamics of the Chinese stock market, where investors are increasingly discerning and seeking out companies with genuine growth potential. This trend is likely to continue as China's economy transitions towards a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based model.

The End

发布于:2024-07-02 12:25:20,除非注明,否则均为今日新闻原创文章,转载请注明出处。